
Summer Insurance Deadline

Date & Time:
Wed, Jun. 17, 2020


Summer Insurance Waiver & Opt-In Deadline: Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

International students in F-1 status are automatically enrolled in the university's international student accident and illness insurance policy when you register for classes each term.

If you have other health insurance that is equal to or more comprehensive than Franklin's policy, you may request to waive the university policy.  To do so, please send a copy of your insurance card to info@hginsurance.com and fill out a request at http://hginsurance.com/franklin/franklin_waiver.asp before this deadline.

OISP highly recommends that F-1 students who are not registered for Summer Trimester classes opt-in to the insurance for the summer. Contact the Harbour Group at info@hginsurance.com for more information.


Event Type:

  • International Students