Syllabus - PUAD305

PUAD305 - Introduction to Public Administration

Students are introduced to the field and profession of public administration. Students learn to think and act as ethical public administration professionals by developing a broad understanding of the political and organizational environment in which public administrators work and by applying fundamental analytical, decision- making, and communication skills. The professional knowledge and skills explored in the course provide a foundation for subsequent public administration courses.


  • Apply principles of effective professional and interpersonal communication
  • Examine administrative situations from ethical, legal, and political perspectives
  • Compare and contrast the rational decision making method to alternative approaches
  • Apply fundamental decision making, finance, implementation, information systems, human resource management, organizational design, and leadership concepts
  • Create a career and education plan
  • Examine similarities and differences of managing government and nonprofit organizations

Required Text(s):

Russell, E. W., Shafritz, Jay M., Borick, Christopher P. & Hyde, Albert C. (2023). Introducing Public Administration (10th edition), Routledge