Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Your health and well-being can impact your academic success, and Franklin University is committed to your holistic wellness. Franklin University strongly encourages international students to enroll in, at minimum, short-term accident and illness insurance to mitigate the costs of unforeseen medical expenses. This page provides general information about healthcare and insurance.

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Healthcare in the U.S.

The healthcare system in the U.S. offers world-class care, but it is likely managed very differently than in your home country. It is important to have at least a basic understanding of the system and costs to make good choices about your healthcare. Generally, it is most affordable to find a healthcare provider who has contracted with your insurance provider. Some helpful resources are shown below:

Insurance Terminology

Health Information

Health Insurance Overview

Insurance Coverage

It is important to have health insurance with coverage effective as soon as possible after arrival.

A variety of factors will influence which insurance plan is best for your needs, such as if you have coverage from your home country, need to cover family members, have specific health considerations, plan to receive care when home, and much more. Compare insurance policies, pricing, and services before deciding which option is best for your needs.

When choosing a plan, consider coverage of:

  • Local healthcare providers.
  • Immunizations, screenings, and other preventive services.
  • Emergency services, ambulatory patient services, and hospitalizations.
  • Pregnancy, maternity, newborn care, and breastfeeding coverage.
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including counseling and psychotherapy.
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices.
  • Prescription medication, laboratory, and diagnostic services.
  • Preventive and wellness services (including birth control).
  • Chronic disease management.
  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
  • Coverage for preexisting conditions.
  • Continuity of coverage up to plan limits for students requiring a medically necessary leave-of-absence.

American College Health Association. (2020, July). Standards for Student Health Insurance/Benefits Coverage. Silver Spring, MD.

Stokdyk, B., Wang, C.-Y., & Fosnocht, D. (2013, October 10). NAFSA KCISS Practice Resource Health Insurance and Health Care for Your International Students and Scholars. Washington, D.C.; NAFSA.