b'FRANKLINTUITION GUARANTEE STRENGTHENSNEWS COMMITMENT TO AFFORDABILITYDISPLACED BUT NOT DISRUPTED: A college degree has become a necessityThe Franklin University Tuition GuaranteePERSEVERANCEfor individual economic opportunityensures a consistent tuition rate fromPANDEMIC and Americas competitiveness in thea students initial registration through global economy, shared Dr. Davidgraduation, as long as the student Decker, president of Franklin University.maintains active enrollment status. The Combined with last years tuition reductiontuition guarantee enables students to and our long-standing generous transferaccurately anticipate tuition costs over credit policy, Franklins tuition guarantee isthe course of an entire degree program, one more example of how the University maximize available funding sources, and is keeping a degree within reach.minimize out of pocket costs. MORE THAN Through the tuition guarantee, announced1,500 STUDENTS A college degree has become a necessityprior to the Fall 2020 term, new and for individualeconomic opportunitycurrent Franklin students locked in theirCOMPLETED andAmericas competitiveness in tuition at the 2020-21 rate. Students whoTHEIR ASSOCIATE, the global economy. enroll in subsequent terms will lock-in to the tuition rate that is in effect during theBACHELORS, - Dr. David Decker term they first register for classes. MASTERS AND DOCTORAL NEW NURSENOW ENROLLINGDEGREES SINCE ADMINISTRATORSTUDENTS FOR NEWTHE PANDEMIC TRACK ADDED TO K-12 EDUCATIONTOOK HOLD. MSN OPTIONS PROGRAMSFranklin Universitys School of NursingFranklin Universitys School of recently added the Nurse AdministratorEducation is now enrolling students track to its existing masters-levelfor five new K-12 education programs. offerings. The M.S. in Nursing-Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM) track The new programs help students prepares graduates for leadership set the foundation for successfulLike organizations across the globe,and collective expertise to assisthad the support and flexibility roles or nursing education.teaching careers in Ohio by focusingFranklin University pivoted to apartner institutions who werent sothey needed to continue their coursework to align with specificremote work environment movingfavorably positioned. In the 1990s,studies as the world worked and Quality improvement initiatives andlicensure areas. Licensure areasall academic services, studentFranklin aligned our academiclearned in a remote environment. team management are essential toinclude Adolescence to Young Adultsupport and resources, and businessexpertise with emerging technologyAs a result, more than 1,500 a healthcare organizations ability to(Grades 7-12), Intervention Specialist:operations to make-shift hometo create online programs to servestudents completed their associate, improve patient outcomes. With an MSN- Mild-Moderate (K-12), Middleoffices around the country.the needs of a society no longerbachelors, masters and doctoral ADM, graduates gain the knowledgeChildhood Education (Grades 4-9), tied to geographic borders. In thedegrees since the pandemicnecessary to provide strategic planningor Primary Education (PK-5).While many institutions struggledface of the pandemic, the Universitytook hold. and administrative oversight, whileto transition to online delivery, ourleveraged this experience to help helping to create a clinical environmentThe programs provide students withexpertise in distance educationour community college partnersWhile we look forward to returning that supports advanced training andthe opportunity to maximize theirand services allowed the Universityby providing training for facultyto our hybrid model of access and education for nurses. associate degree credit, and enrollto seamlessly continue to deliverwho were less experienced insupport services when the safety in major area courses and be placedclasses with minimal to nothe nuances of online learning.of our students, faculty and staff The M.S. in Nursing-Nurse Administratoron-site in a school in the first termdisruption to our students. We takeFurther, weve extended our onlinepermit it, we will continue to work track is designed to accommodate theof enrollment at Franklin. Pairinggreat pride in being able to providecurriculum to keep communitytogether to address the challenges schedules of ambitious working RNs.clinical field placement with onlinea sense of normalcy and continuitycollege students on track with theirthat arise. The MSN-ADM track can be completedcoursework helps students make for our students.education goals.in 16 months through a series of 6-weekthe most of their time, whileonline courses and concludes with a Franklins low per credit hour As we navigated the early daysDrawing on more than two decades 12-week practicum, on-site in acost and free books minimize of the pandemic, we had theof online proficiency, Franklin healthcare setting. the cost of the degree. opportunity to use our individualcontinued to ensure our students 4 Clocktower | Franklin News Clocktower | Franklin News 5'