Syllabus - FPLN460

FPLN460 - Estate Planning

An introduction to the principles and techniques in estate planning. Topics include the use of living and testamentary trusts, joint ownership of property, life insurance, charitable dispositions, inter vivos gifts, and the marital deduction to efficiently conserve and transfer wealth, consistent with the client's goals. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).


  • Evaluate a client's estate planning situation
  • Recommend appropriate estate plans to meet client objectives and needs
  • Apply various planning techniques for efficient wealth transfer during life and death
  • Project estate and gift taxation in various situations
  • Recommend appropriate strategies on charitable giving
  • Develop estate plans for traditional and non-traditional families and relationships

Required Text(s):

Dalton, M. A., & Langdon, T. P. (2022). Estate planning (13th ed.). Money Education. ISBN: 9781946711007.