Syllabus - HUMN211

HUMN211 - Introduction to Critical Ethics

Critical Ethics uses critical thinking to get around the limitations of personal belief and indoctrination to get to what ought to be done and why to improve the human condition. Accordingly, the goal of this course is to help the student improve his/her ethical analysis and evaluation skills to help the student do the thing that must be done, when it ought to be done, using critical thinking.


  • Determine the relationship between Critical Thinking and Philosophy.
  • Explain the importance of Critical Ethics.
  • Determine if doing the right thing is relative or absolute.
  • Discuss if doing the right thing depends on religion or a god.
  • Explain if doing the right thing depends on what is natural.
  • Discuss if doing the right thing depends on following laws.

Required Text(s):

This course has no required textbooks.