Committee Listing

Establishing Your Committee

Congratulations on arriving at this great milestone!  As you look ahead and prepare for your comprehensive exam, a Committee--consisting of a Chair, Expert and Methodologist--will need to be established 4-weeks prior to your exam date.  This Committee will be responsible for grading your exam, in addition to working with you throughout the dissertation phase of your journey, so please take thorough consideration in your selections.  

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Doctoral Studies


Doctoral Faculty Eligible for Committee Work

Doctoral students are encouraged to own their doctoral journey, and are therefore responsible for securing their Committee Chair and Committee Expert themselves; a Methodologist will be appointed to the student by the Doctoral Office.  Below is a listing of eligible doctoral faculty, categorized by program; please begin reaching out and connecting with faculty as you work to shape your Committee.  Once you have secured both a Committee Chair and Committee Expert, kindly send one email to that includes: 1. your acceptance email from your Chair; 2. your acceptance email from your Expert; and 3. a brief description of your research topic (this will be used for your Methodologist appointment). 

Students also have the flexibility of connecting with faculty outside their respective discipline, should they find a faculty member of suitable alignment. 

In the event that you need a faculty suggestion, after you have conducted a thorough search and inquiry, please feel free to contact your respective Program Chair: 

Frequently Asked Questions